Vendor Management Inventory System

Superior Inventory Control


Weekly customized usage reports sent to management weekly


Eliminate Pilferage


Multi-lingual settings by user


Tracks user acceptance and return times


Access cards provided for each user based on supervisors recommendations


Vending Machine is monitored and stocked weekly


Reduce Inventory Carrying Costs


Each bay lights up according to users designated access


Reduce downtime from tool loss, damages, and calibration


Maximize and Simplify Availability

State-of-the-Art Security Features

Security is a top priority in any system, especially one that involves inventory management. State-of-the-art security features likely include encryption protocols, secure login procedures, and detailed report management to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the system.


Access Control

Management designates the specific items that each employee is allowed to access. This access control mechanism ensures that employees can only interact with the inventory items relevant to their roles or responsibilities, enhancing security and preventing errors.

Usage Tracking

The system tracks the usage of fasteners and supplies. This functionality is crucial for monitoring how frequently items are used and the specific location within your production facility, which can aid in forecasting demand, preventing stockouts, and optimizing inventory levels.

Employee Login Accounts

Each employee having their own login ensures accountability and traceability. This feature allows the system to track who accessed the inventory, what items were utilized, and when. It also helps in preventing unauthorized access, theft, and potential misuse.

Inventory Level Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of inventory levels is essential for maintaining an uninterrupted production process. By tracking stock levels in real-time, the system can alert management and Amerifast Supply when they reach a certain threshold, preventing shortages and downtime.

Billing Based on Usage

The system employs a usage-based billing model. This means that the company is only billed for the items that are actually used. This approach aligns the costs directly with consumption, providing a more accurate representation of expenses and promoting cost-efficiency.

Production Uptime Efficiency

The ultimate goal of the system is to ensure 100% production uptime efficiency. By preventing stockouts, tracking usage, and automatically reordering supplies, the VMI system contributes to maintaining a seamless production process without interruptions.


The Amerifast Supply VMI system combines security, user accountability, real-time inventory monitoring, and cost-efficiency to provide a comprehensive solution for managing fasteners and supplies. This approach helps streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency in production processes.


Call: (704) 660-9790


135 Bevan Drive Mooresville, NC 28115

